HomeUSACaliforniaYosemite National ParkYosemite ValleyValley South Side Leaning Tower AreaFifi ButtressMore Burly than Girly5.12a5.11btradFA Dan McDevitt, Freddy Brewster, Holland DeyoUPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Fifi Buttress1Bird of Prey5.11bTrad 2More Burly than Girly5.12aSport3Center of the Universe5.11-Trad4Voyager5.11cTrad5Make It So5.8Trad · Aid6The Nexus AKA The Niels Tietze Memorial Route5.13-Trad7The Final Frontier5.13a/bTrad8Romulan Warbird5.12cTrad9Dream Team5.12c/dTrad10Prime Directive5.12Trad · Aid