We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSACaliforniaLake TahoeSouth ShorePie Shop, The7. Main WallMain Wall (Left)<Earn Your Wings5.9>Head Jammer5.8Pie in the Sky5.7 RtradFA Cactus Bryan, Paul Crawford, 1971.UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Main Wall (Left)1The Cream Puff5.7Trad2The Saw5.6Trad3Archer5.8Trad4Fear of Flying5.9Trad5Battle Axe5.11aSport6Road House Blues5.10bTrad7Clean Corner5.8Trad8Zig Zag5.10aTrad9Mad Wife5.8+Trad10Shelob's Lair5.9Trad11Jewel of the Nile5.12bSport12Walk Like an Egyptian5.11cTrad13Iotolla5.12dSport14B. T. Express5.9Trad15No Doubt Stout5.8Trad16Wind5.10bSport17Crawford's Face5.10Sport18Knob Hill5.6Trad19Fluted Crust5.5Trad20Crepes Corner5.7Trad21Earn Your Wings5.9Tr22Pie in the Sky5.7Trad 23Head Jammer5.8Sport · Tr24Miller's Highlife5.9Trad25Pie Face Dihedral5.9Trad