We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAMarylandCumberland Narrows aka Lover's LeapCumber Honey Wall<Buffalo Soldier5.9>A Winter's Tale (The Uncut Version)5.10Dancing Spanish Through the Chimney5.8tradFA Mike Varlotta and Patrick Broderick, April 2004UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Cumber Honey Wall1Cave of Silence5.6Trad2The Chase5.7Trad3Gin and Tonic5.6Trad4Ghetto Booty5.6Trad5I Wanna Live5.10+Trad6I Wanna Give5.6Trad7Shardly Worth It5.5Trad8Lichen 'D' Chimney5.6Trad9Buffalo Soldier5.9Trad10Dancing Spanish Through the Chimney5.8Trad 11A Winter's Tale (The Uncut Version)5.10Trad12A Winter's Tale5.9-Trad13Rama II5.9Trad14Rendezvous With Rama5.8Trad15When the Buffalo Roam5.6Trad16Cumber Bunny5.6Trad17Charged Emotion5.7Trad18The Verve5.9+Trad19Cumber Honey5.8Trad20Richard's Roof5.8Trad21Yellow5.7Trad22Mini-skirt5.9Trad23Tips5.6Trad