We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAMarylandCumberland Narrows aka Lover's LeapCumber Honey Wall<Rendezvous With Rama5.8>Cumber Bunny5.6When the Buffalo Roam5.6tradFA Ranjeet Tate, Pat Broderick & Mike Varlotta, September 2003UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Cumber Honey Wall1Cave of Silence5.6Trad2The Chase5.7Trad3Gin and Tonic5.6Trad4Ghetto Booty5.6Trad5I Wanna Live5.10+Trad6I Wanna Give5.6Trad7Shardly Worth It5.5Trad8Lichen 'D' Chimney5.6Trad9Buffalo Soldier5.9Trad10Dancing Spanish Through the Chimney5.8Trad11A Winter's Tale (The Uncut Version)5.10Trad12A Winter's Tale5.9-Trad13Rama II5.9Trad14Rendezvous With Rama5.8Trad15When the Buffalo Roam5.6Trad 16Cumber Bunny5.6Trad17Charged Emotion5.7Trad18The Verve5.9+Trad19Cumber Honey5.8Trad20Richard's Roof5.8Trad21Yellow5.7Trad22Mini-skirt5.9Trad23Tips5.6Trad