We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSACaliforniaTahquitz & Suicide RocksTahquitz RockWest Face Bulge RoutesUpper Bulge Routes<The Bat5.11c>Field of Dreams5.11dThe Crucifix5.11ctradFA FFA: Bob Gaines/Tommy RomeroUPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Upper Bulge Routes1The Step5.10aTrad2Step to Super Pooper Traverse5.7Trad3Le Toit5.12aTrad4Le Toitlette5.11dTrad5Pooper Scooper (Le Toit Direct)5.11cTrad6Super Pooper5.10bTrad7The Price of Fear5.10cTrad8The Flakes5.11b/cTrad9The Pharaoh5.12a/bTrad10Stairway to Heaven5.12a/bTrad11Happy Hooker5.11+Trad · Aid12The Vampire5.11aTrad13The Count5.11dTrad · Aid14The Bat5.11cTrad15The Crucifix5.11cTrad 16Field of Dreams5.11dTrad