We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSACaliforniaTahquitz & Suicide RocksTahquitz RockWest Face Bulge RoutesUpper Bulge Routes<The Vampire5.11a>The Bat5.11cThe Count5.11dtradaidFA Scott Cosgrove, Bob Gaines, and Dave Mayville, August 1993.UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Upper Bulge Routes1The Step5.10aTrad2Step to Super Pooper Traverse5.7Trad3Le Toit5.12aTrad4Le Toitlette5.11dTrad5Pooper Scooper (Le Toit Direct)5.11cTrad6Super Pooper5.10bTrad7The Price of Fear5.10cTrad8The Flakes5.11b/cTrad9The Pharaoh5.12a/bTrad10Stairway to Heaven5.12a/bTrad11Happy Hooker5.11+Trad · Aid12The Vampire5.11aTrad13The Count5.11dTrad · Aid 14The Bat5.11cTrad15The Crucifix5.11cTrad16Field of Dreams5.11dTrad