Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAArizonaCentral ArizonaQueen Creek CanyonLittle England Wall<The Queens Cake5.4>The Shard of Glass5.7Palace of Westminster5.9sportFA Ben Albrecht, Nick Schostack, Tyler Colins, Michael Genovese. FFA Michael WolanskyUPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Little England Wall1Trivial Pursuit5.4Trad2Brutus5.5Trad3The Queens Cake5.4Trad4Palace of Westminster5.9Sport 5The Shard of Glass5.7Trad6The Gherkin5.7+Trad7A-1 Steak Sauce5.11aSport8Henry VIII5.6Trad9Charles II5.6Trad10Anne of a Thousand Days5.7Trad11God can’t save the queen (open project)5.7+Trad12Bloody Mary5.7+Sport13West Minster Abbey5.7+Trad14The Thames5.9+Sport15Big Ben5.7Trad16London Tower5.7+Trad17Zeus5.10c/dTrad18Poseidon's Throne5.10bTrad19Unknown face (aka G.P. route)5.8Sport20The Great Split5.9Trad