Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAArizonaCentral ArizonaQueen Creek CanyonLittle England Wall<Henry VIII5.6>Anne of a Thousand Days5.7Charles II5.6tradFA 1977 - Kent Brock, Don O'KelleyUPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Little England Wall1Trivial Pursuit5.4Trad2Brutus5.5Trad3The Queens Cake5.4Trad4Palace of Westminster5.9Sport5The Shard of Glass5.7Trad6The Gherkin5.7+Trad7A-1 Steak Sauce5.11aSport8Henry VIII5.6Trad9Charles II5.6Trad 10Anne of a Thousand Days5.7Trad11God can’t save the queen (open project)5.7+Trad12Bloody Mary5.7+Sport13West Minster Abbey5.7+Trad14The Thames5.9+Sport15Big Ben5.7Trad16London Tower5.7+Trad17Zeus5.10c/dTrad18Poseidon's Throne5.10bTrad19Unknown face (aka G.P. route)5.8Sport20The Great Split5.9Trad