We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSACaliforniaYosemite National ParkTuolumne MeadowsCathedral RangeMatthes Crest<North Ridge of Matthes Crest5.8>Matthes Crest Traverse - South to North5.7Anduril5.10- PGtradalpineFA Greg Barnes, Karin Wuhrmann, Florence Scholl, Maki GrossnickUPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Matthes Crest1The Matthes Crest Sphinx5.8Alpine · Trad2North Ridge of Matthes Crest5.8Alpine · Trad3Anduril5.10-Alpine · Trad 4Matthes Crest Traverse - South to North5.7Alpine · Trad