Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAColoradoBoulderFlatironsSouthSphinx, The<The BFE Dihedral5.8>Pharaoh's Tomb5.10Curse of the Pharaoh5.7 RtradFA Unknown/Undocumented- FKA: T. Bubb/J. Haas 6/06UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in The Sphinx1Upper East Face, Sphinx4thTrad2Half Man, Half Beast5.12aTrad3The BFE Dihedral5.8Trad4Curse of the Pharaoh5.7Trad 5Pharaoh's Tomb5.10Trad6A Sphinxter Says What?5.11aTrad7Lower East Face, Sphinx5.7Trad8Face the Sphynx5.6Trad · Aid9Sphynx Not5.6Trad10I Sphynx There's a Way5.6Trad11The TillerEasy 5thTrad