We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeCanadaBritish ColumbiaSea to Sky (Squamish to Whistler)Area 44The Distillery<Single Malt5.11a>Liquor Quicker5.10aStill the Spirits5.11bsportFA Alec Fernandes and Jack Fieldhouse 2014UPDATED BY vietnguyen 5 months agoDescriptionRoutes in The Distillery1Over Proof Roof5.12aSport2Whiskey Burnin'5.12a/bSport3Cask It5.10a/bSport4Daze of Prohibition5.11dSport5Single Malt5.11aSport6Still the Spirits5.11bSport 7Liquor Quicker5.10aSport8Short Glass, Long Pour5.10cSport9Moonshine Blind5.11dSport10Distill My Heart5.9Sport11Ya Picks Yer Poison5.11dSport12Rum Runners5.9SportUse Ctrl + scroll to zoom the mapUse two fingers to move the map2000 km1000 miMapLibreCrags/BouldersBoundarieslightUse Ctrl + scroll to zoom the mapUse two fingers to move the map2000 km1000 miMapLibreCrags/BouldersBoundarieslight