We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSACaliforniaYosemite National ParkTuolumne MeadowsMurphy Creek AreaMurphy Creek<Mandric5.10c>Penguin Cafe5.11aMandric- direct start5.11btradFA Scott Fry & Bird Lew? 1985?UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Murphy Creek1Precious Bodily Fluids5.12aTrad2Lizard Lips5.11bTr3Fluoridation5.11aTrad4Mandric5.10cTr · Trad5Mandric- direct start5.11bTrad 6Penguin Cafe5.11aTrad7Gortlough RA5.9Trad8OW left of Pac-Man5.8Tr · Trad9Pac Man5.8Trad10X- Wing5.9Trad11Frogger5.7Tr · Trad12Lock Tight5.10bTrad13Lock, Stock, and Barrel5.10aTrad14Whips & Chains5.10aTrad