The home of a good assortment of moderates, Jimmywood can often be crowded. This is a huge wall with some great climbs, and the last few routes (e.g. Bear Mountain Picnic and Special) are disjointed.
You can either get there from Fiery Gizzard Trail (upper) or from the Climber's Loop Trail (lower).
For the lower trail, go down to the falls, cross the bridge and go left. You'll keep going just a bit past Climber's Access 1 (a trail connecting the upper and lower trails). Just past that is a turnoff to go to the Bear Mountain Picnic area. If you go past that, you'll get to the main Jimmywood wall in 2-4 minutes.
For the upper trail, do not go down the steps towards the falls. Instead go right, cross a bridge, and go by the primitive campsites. Keep going for a while (30ish minutes) until you get to the first turnoff on the left, Climber's Access 1. This brings you to the Climber's Loop Trail. Take a right and you'll hit the Bear Mountain Picnic area first, keep going past that to get to the main Jimmywood wall.
[Edit]Local climbing organizations
[Learn more]Southeastern Climbers Coalition