HomeUSAArizonaNorthern Arizona*Northern AZ Bouldering**Flagstaff Bouldering*Lake Mary AreasLand of High Bouldering AKA The RidgeDrysdale Trail, The The Booze Pig WallWhen the Bible is a BottleV7Booze PigV6V6-7boulderingFA Mark Mellott (?), May 2018UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in G. The Booze Pig Wall1Meister BrauV1Bouldering2Back on the WagonV3Bouldering3Empty as a PocketV5Bouldering4A Hardwood Floor is HomeV8Bouldering5When the Bible is a BottleV7Bouldering6Honey BerryV6-7Bouldering 7Booze PigV6Bouldering8Punch Drunk SunriseV7Bouldering9On Liquor I Spent my Last DimeV5Bouldering10Undercling FlingV2-3Bouldering11Tomorrow Never ComesV2Bouldering12Two Fingers StraightV3Bouldering13Underage ConsumptionV-easyBouldering