HomeUSAWyomingTen Sleep CanyonCircus WallThe Barnum Route5.12aShadows of Crowes5.10c5.11asportFA Ck, 2004UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Circus Wall1Les Rocks!5.12cSport2I Love the Big Top5.9Sport3Circus in the Wind5.11-Sport4Circus In My Pants5.12dSport5Step Right This Way5.10cSport6Lucky Bozo5.8Sport7Lil Smokie Goes to the Circus5.10dSport8Sucker Born Every Minute5.11cSport9Clowns Eat Kids5.11cSport10The Barnum Route5.12aSport11You Gotta Play to Win5.11aSport 12Shadows of Crowes5.10cSport13Yankee Doodle Dandy In A Gold Rolls Royce5.11bSport14Elected5.11bSport