HomeUSANew MexicoNew Mexico, other Southern AreasSitting Bull FallsBig Horn Wall<It is not Necessary for Eagles to be Crows5.12c>Broken Arrows5.12d5.12csportFA John GogusUPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Big Horn Wall1On the Prowl5.10cSport2Smoke Signals5.11bSport3Ghost Dancers5.12aSport4Ghost Dancers Extension5.12aSport5Counting Coup5.12bSport6It is not Necessary for Eagles to be Crows5.12cSport7Tribal War5.12cSport 8Broken Arrows5.12dSport9Kootenai Cruiser5.13dSport10Custer's Last Stand5.13bSport