HomeUSAColoradoEagle/Vail/Minturn/Red CliffWolcott Crags and BouldersMilk Creek (aka Wolcott Entrada Band - East)Planet of the Ape's Index5.12Wrong Crack5.8-5.11+tradFA ??? on the original FAUPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Milk Creek (aka Wolcott Entrada Band - East)1Dog Leash Harness5.10a/bTrad2Walkin' On Air5.11aTrad3Slanty Hands5.11aTrad4Non Nimis Stercus5.11+Trad55.8 Hand Jams5.8Trad65.75.7Trad75.95.9Trad8Planet of the Ape's Index5.12Trad9Wolcott Great Roof aka Bob Scarpelli Crack5.11+Trad 10Wrong Crack5.8-Trad11Right Crack5.7Trad