HomeUSASouth DakotaCuster State ParkCathedral SpiresSpire fiveSplinter direct5.9Edit modeUnkown Shaffer Route5.9tradFA Larry Shaffer, Cheryl MayerUPDATED BY vietnguyen 3 months agoTick this climbDescriptionThis climb is missing some beta. Turn on Edit mode and help us improve this page.Routes in Spire five1Unkown Shaffer Route5.9Trad 2Splinter direct5.9Trad3Kampsite5.8Trad4Drinking Women, Chasing Whiskey5.11-Trad5Corner to the Sky5.9Trad6Blame It On the Boogie5.9Trad7Goin' back to Indiana5.8Trad8Beethoven's Fifth5.9+Trad9Unknown ("Route 2" from Piana guide)5.3Trad