We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAWest VirginiaNew River Gorge, TheNew River Gorge ProperBeauty Mountain3) The Brain<Brain Storm5.8>Brain Tweezers5.10cBrain Teasers5.10atradFA Tom Howard, Bill Newman 1981UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in 3) The Brain1You Want It, You Got It5.9Sport2Brain Wave5.7Trad3Out of Mind5.10aTrad4Journey to the Center of the Brain5.7Trad5Brain Storm5.8Trad6Brain Teasers5.10aTrad 7Brain Tweezers5.10cSport8M.E.N.S.A.5.11dSport9Butta5.11dSport10Chunky Monkey5.12bSport11Mono Loco5.14aSport12Climax Control5.13bSport13The Travisty5.13cSport14Super Whiny Bugs5.14aSport15Whiny Bugs5.12bSport16Redacted by Mountainproject5.12bSport