We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAWyomingLander AreaWild IrisOK Corral2. Central (Blooming Rose, Claim Jumper, Saddle Tramp)3. Saddle Tramp<Out of the darkness5.7>Megan’s Canadian Lover5.10aJabba the Hut5.10bsportFA Brian Silker (2005)UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in 3. Saddle Tramp1Winchester Pump5.11aSport2Red Rider5.10aSport3Out of the darkness5.7Sport4Jabba the Hut5.10bSport 5Megan’s Canadian Lover5.10aSport65 O’Clock Thunder Jam5.9Sport730 Seconds on Fremont Street5.11bSport8Hummingbird Honey5.10cSport9Back in the Saddle5.10cSport10Saddled Dreams5.11dSport11Saddle Tramp5.12aSport12Whips Chaps and Chains5.11dSport13Western Hoedown5.12bSport14All Is Well5.11Sport