We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSACaliforniaSierra EastsideMammoth Lakes AreaClark CanyonArea 13Area 13 - Left Side<Now and Zen5.8>Bodhisattva5.7Drop Zone5.8sportFA Alan Hirahara, John German, Late 1990s.UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Area 13 - Left Side1A Danger to Ourselves and Others5.9Trad2Exqueeze Me5.6Sport3Mobetta Fogetta5.7Sport4Now and Zen5.8Sport5Drop Zone5.8Sport 6Bodhisattva5.7Sport7Too Many Princesses5.7Sport8IEPA!5.8Sport9Ugly, Fat, Mean, Come to Mammoth, Be a Queen5.7Sport10This Ain't No Weenie Roast5.10bSport11Chapusero5.11aSport12Wild Will's Arete5.8Sport13Digit Delight5.9Sport14Chupacabras5.8Sport15More Trad Than Rad5.10aTrad16Borrowing From Tradition5.10bSport17I Yam5.9+Sport18Mask Up, Bitches5.8Sport