We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSACaliforniaWestern SierraNeedles / Kern River, TheNeedles, TheSorcerer, The<Stars and Stripes alt start5.10a>The Raven5.11bSleight of Hand5.10a/btradFA Herb Laeger & Rich Smith, April 1976UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in The Sorcerer1Gorilla Wrestling5.10aTrad2Davy Jones' Locker5.12bTrad3Duty Now for the Future5.11dTrad4Fantasia5.10Trad5Wailing Banshees5.11aTrad6Scirocco5.12-Sport7Tradewinds5.11cSport8The Don Juan Wall5.11bTrad9Ice Pirates5.11bTrad10Thin Ice5.10bTrad11Atlantis5.11+Trad12Lost at Sea5.10dTrad13Pinhead5.10dTrad14Stars and Stripes Forever5.9Trad15Stars and Stripes alt start5.10aTrad16Sleight of Hand5.10a/bTrad 17The Raven5.11bTrad