We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSANew YorkAdirondacksD: Wilmington RegionMoss Cliff<Fear of Flying5.10b>Mistah Luthah5.12a/bBrass Balls, Steel Nuts, and Sticky Rubber5.12d PGtradFA Peter KamitsesUPDATED BY vietnguyen 5 months agoDescriptionRoutes in Moss Cliff1Falconer5.11aTrad2The Mossiah5.10bTrad3Spirit of Adventure5.11aTrad4Hard Times5.9+Trad5Fear of touching Aerie5.10cTrad6A Touch of Class5.9+Trad7Fear of Flying5.10bTrad8Brass Balls, Steel Nuts, and Sticky Rubber5.12dTrad 9Mistah Luthah5.12a/bTradUse Ctrl + scroll to zoom the mapUse two fingers to move the map500 km500 miMapLibreCrags/BouldersBoundarieslightUse Ctrl + scroll to zoom the mapUse two fingers to move the map500 km500 miMapLibreCrags/BouldersBoundarieslight