We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSACaliforniaSierra EastsideMammoth Lakes AreaRock CreekPatricia BowlOrange Pillar>Faith + 15.7Ode to Brian5.10dtradFA Barry Oswick, Eric Sorenson 7/2007UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Orange Pillar1Ode to Brian5.10dTrad 2Faith + 15.7Trad3St. Stephen5.9Trad4Beverly Hills Ninja5.10aTr · Trad5Black Sheep5.10aTrad6Tommy Boy5.10aTrad7Housekeeping5.10cTrad8Farenheit 7/165.8Trad9Conquistadors of the Useless5.11bTrad10Up To No Use5.11-Trad11Good Medicine5.10bTrad12Priapism5.11aTrad13Boi-oi-oi-ing!5.10aTrad14Do I Make You Horny?5.10-Trad15High Expectations5.11-Trad