We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAWest VirginiaNew River Gorge, TheSummersville (Gauley River) AreaSummersville Lake (main)Long Wall, The<Bombardino5.11d>Menace Alert5.9+Chewy5.10bsportFA Chris Petty 1993UPDATED BY vietnguyen 5 months agoDescriptionRoutes in The Long Wall1On Top of the Milky Whale5.3Sport2Quarryman's Hands5.11cSport3Rocky Top Hilton5.10aSport4Seven Minutes of Heaven5.12aSport5On the Porch5.9Sport6Ragged Reaction5.9Sport7Bombardino5.11dSport8Chewy5.10bSport 9Menace Alert5.9+Sport10Going Ballistic5.10dSport11Flight Path5.10bSport12Six Dollars5.11dSport13Under the Milky Way5.11dSport14Articulated5.12dSport15Flirting with E5.11dSport16Maximum Overdrive5.11cSport17Fifty Fifty5.11bSport18Minimum Overdrive5.11aSport19Spice5.11bSport20Stone Cold Dixie5.12-Sport21No Way, Jose'5.11bSportUse Ctrl + scroll to zoom the mapUse two fingers to move the map2000 km1000 miMapLibreCrags/BouldersBoundarieslightUse Ctrl + scroll to zoom the mapUse two fingers to move the map2000 km1000 miMapLibreCrags/BouldersBoundarieslight