We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAColoradoPagosa SpringsNew Dark Ages Crag<Welcome to the New Dark Ages5.10a/b>Hail the Apocalypse5.9+Search For a Cure5.12atradFA Jim Beyer, soloUPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in New Dark Ages Crag1Into the Badlands5.11dSport2Hardwired to Self Destruct5.11dSport3Warrior's Call5.10cSport4Open Project5.12Sport5Winter is Coming5.10cSport6Welcome to the New Dark Ages5.10a/bSport7Search For a Cure5.12aTrad 8Hail the Apocalypse5.9+Trad9Trumpocalypse5.10a/bTrad10Minefield5.9+Sport