We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAUtahSoutheast UtahRiver RoadTake-Out BeachTheater, The<All the World's a Stage5.12a>An Overflow of Good5.11bBoldness Be My Friend5.12asportFA Sam LightnerUPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in The Theater1All the World's a Stage5.12aSport2Boldness Be My Friend5.12aSport 3An Overflow of Good5.11bSport4Life Is A Banquet5.10c/dSport5Be True!5.11aSport6With Bated Breath5.11dSport7Protest Too Much5.11cSport8Out Damned Spot!5.12aSport9Midsummer Night's Seam5.10aTrad10To Boo, or Not to Boo5.10aSport11All’s Well That Sends Well5.10bSport12Taming of the Boo5.10cSport