We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSANew MexicoEl RitoLittle River WallMain Wall<Chronostasis5.10>Bit by the Bit5.10aBusted by Dewey5.10bsportFA Walt Whetham, Hagen Telg, Jason HalladayUPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Main Wall1Hello Nasty5.10aSport2Love Mongers for the Win5.8Sport3Everybody Jae Chang Tonight5.10aSport4Imitation Strawberry5.9Sport5Bloody Turnip5.10Sport6Goiter Grabber5.10c/dSport7Cobbles of Ill Repute5.10Sport8Joy-Poppin' with Bubble Gummers5.9-Sport9Crestone Puddin'5.8+Sport10Pinch and Roll5.9Sport11Better than a Slap in the Belly with a Wet Fish5.10-Sport12Chronostasis5.10Sport13Busted by Dewey5.10bSport 14Bit by the Bit5.10aSport15Baby Disco Show5.10aSport16Pull the Mirrors Off Your Cadillac (So it Doesn't Look Like You Look Back)5.11bSport17Hawg-Dawg's Mind-Boggling Explosion of Fun and Excitement feat. David Hasselhoff5.11a/bSport