We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSACaliforniaJoshua Tree National ParkLost Horse AreaHemingway ButtressHemingway Buttress (East Face Right)<Mind Blender5.7+>Mind Meld5.9+Mind over Splatter5.10a PGtradFA Todd Swain, April 1985UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Hemingway Buttress (East Face Right)1The Old Man and the Poodle5.8Trad2For Whom the Poodle Tolls5.9Trad3A Farewell to Poodles5.9Trad4The Dangerous Poodle5.10bTrad5Head Over Heals5.10aTrad6Astropoodle5.10cTrad7Mind Over Matter5.10a/bTrad8Space Walk5.8Trad9Unknown5.10bTrad10Mind Blender5.7+Trad11Mind over Splatter5.10aTrad 12Mind Meld5.9+Tr · Trad13Suspect Rock5.9Trad14Fusion Without Integrity5.10bTrad15Route 1825.8Trad16Ravens Do Nasty Things To My Bottom5.9Trad17Easy As Pi5.7Trad