We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAArizonaCentral Arizona**Prescott AreaGranite DellsGranite GardensOasis, TheCorndog Wall, The<Jeremiah was a Corndog5.8>Corndog Upraising5.10cEven Corndogs Get the Blues5.10asportFA Josh Bradley and Kevin Keith 1/2021UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in The Corndog Wall1Free Range Corndog5.5Sport2Little House on the Corndog5.9-Sport3You Ain't Nothing but a Corndog5.7Sport4The Girl with the Corndog Tattoo5.10-Sport5Full Metal Corndog5.9+Sport6Corndog Millionaire5.8Sport7Butch Cassidy and the Corndog Kid5.10dTrad8How to Train your Corndog5.9Sport9Jeremiah was a Corndog5.8Trad10Even Corndogs Get the Blues5.10aSport 11Corndog Upraising5.10cSport12Flight of the Corndogs5.11aSport13The Milagro Corndog War5.11Tr14Cornish Gamedog5.10a/bSport15A Corndog Named Desire5.9+Sport16The Velveteen Corndog5.7+Trad17A Tale of Two Corndogs5.5Tr