We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAVermont1. Northern VermontSmugglers' NotchSmugglers' Notch BoulderingBoulders Behind the Main Parking Lot/Visitor CenterSlugs & Ditches Boulder<The Slug LifeV4>Slugs and Ditches LowV6+Slugs and DitchesV5boulderingalpineFA UnknownUPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Slugs & Ditches Boulder1The Slug LifeV4Bouldering · Alpine2Slugs and DitchesV5Bouldering · Alpine 3Slugs and Ditches LowV6+Bouldering · Alpine