We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAIllinois*Jackson Falls South Canyon Belleville - Space Cowboy Wall<Uncle Albert Plays The Blues5.11b>I Be Lichen' It5.10bGully Gee Whiz5.10bsportFA Schott Mueller (1998). FFA: Jeff Frizzell, David Kessler (2004)UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in G. Belleville - Space Cowboy Wall1Court House5.10cSport2Lindapalooza5.10dSport3Uncle Albert Plays The Blues5.11bSport4Gully Gee Whiz5.10bSport 5I Be Lichen' It5.10bSport6Monkey Shower5.9Sport7Katie Did5.9Sport8Spank You Very Much5.9Sport9Dances With Sharks5.11a/bSport10Double Knot Spy5.8Trad11Bubbling Crude5.10dSport12Possum Grits5.9Sport13Lying Back with Ellie Mae5.9Trad14Whee Doggies!5.8Sport15Midnight Toker5.12Sport16Gangster of Love5.12cSport17Space Cowboy5.12bSport18You Can't Take the Sky From Me5.10cTrad