We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAWashingtonCentral-West Cascades & SeattleNorth Bend & VicinityExit 38Far SideInterstate ParkEastern Block<Sorry, We Came Early5.11b>Strategic Placement5.10cSpace Face5.10csportFA Bryan Burdo & Leland Windham (2002)UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Eastern Block1Tunnel of Love/Delightful Cacophony Funneled Within5.8Sport2Lip Service/Phone Threats5.10aSport3Impartial Eclipse5.8Sport4Sorry, We Came Early5.11bSport5Space Face5.10cSport 6Strategic Placement5.10cSport7Hurricane5.10cSport8Violent Threats From The Guidebook Bully5.9Sport9Ellie's Sweet Kiss5.9+Sport10The Ruins Of War5.8Sport11Ghosts Of War5.8Sport12Piece Maker5.8Sport13EB-55.8Sport14Missing the Taco5.10a/bSport15Attack of the Butter Knives5.8Sport16Kiss of the Crowbar5.7Sport