We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAWashingtonCentral-West Cascades & SeattleSkykomish ValleyIndexLookout Point AreaLookout Point<Solitude5.11c/d>Purple Kool-Aid5.10b/cThis is Index Not L.A.5.11+tradFA Derek, Jon , Jonathan MastinUPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Lookout Point1The Velvet Pedestal5.10aTrad2Bobcat's Anonymous5.11dSport3Subliminal Seducer5.11bTrad4And Say5.11bTr · Trad5Bowling to Biscuits5.10dTrad6Peanuts To Serve You5.9Trad7Solitude5.11c/dTrad8This is Index Not L.A.5.11+Trad 9Purple Kool-Aid5.10b/cTrad10He is Truly a Great Airplane (Hitaga)5.10dTrad1128 Beers Later5.10+Sport · Tr12You Can Cool Jack Robinson5.12+Trad13Bobcat Cringe5.12bTrad14Below Lissen5.8Trad15Money5.10+Trad16Cattalk5.11Trad17House of the 7th Bobcat5.11dTrad18Baby Tapir5.10dSport · Trad19An Act of Strange Boar5.10dTrad20A Group of Mysteries of Frenchwoman5.8+Trad21A Ship Called Black Rock5.10c/dTrad22A Hatch5.12-Trad23‘Cause I Got High5.13bSport24Rice Krispies5.10bTrad25Law and Order5.10aTrad26Steel Pulse5.10cTrad