We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAWashingtonNorthwest RegionHwy 20 and North Cascades National ParkOther Skagit Valley CragsCumberland CragsBig Rock<The DT Route5.6>Life Finds a Way5.10aValley of Bones5.10a/bsportFA Thad NelsonUPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Big Rock1Too Much Bush5.6Tr · Trad2Whirled Peas5.8Sport3Lazarus 5.95.9Sport4Tunnel Vision5.7Trad5Shroud of Turin 5.10a5.10aSport6Bendin' TendonV3Bouldering7West Nile Virus5.10b/cSport8Upside Down Metronome5.10aSport9The DT Route5.6Sport10Valley of Bones5.10a/bSport 11Life Finds a Way5.10aTrad12Gladys's Blouse5.8Sport13I like your sleeves they're Big5.9Sport