We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAVermont1. Northern VermontBolton AreaBone MountainMain Cliff, The Middle Cliff Routes<The Mountaineers Route5.7>Breaking the Wishbone5.9Golf Ball Sized Urethra5.10atradtrFA Kristofer Fiore, Dylan Oliver, Conor Mark (March 27, 2016)UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in B. Middle Cliff Routes1Traction Splint5.9Trad2The Mountaineers Route5.7Trad3Golf Ball Sized Urethra5.10aTr · Trad 4Breaking the Wishbone5.9Tr · Trad5Family Picnic5.7Sport6Maybe God's a Trad Climber5.8Trad7Boaty's Birthday5.10cSport8Fuck Rumney5.11aTrad9Flippin the bird5.9Trad10Compound Fracture5.10aTrad11Schistorectomy5.10aTrad12Raising Money for Polar Bear Erections5.11cSport13Two Tree or Not Two Tree5.9Trad14The Boys Are Back at Bone5.10bTrad