We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSANew MexicoTruth or Consequences AreaRed Rock ArroyoLuna ParkUpper Park<Rattle Face5.8>Not Slytherin5.8-Rattle Crack5.6tradFA Burnett Crispell & Tannon Pierce, 1993UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Upper Park1Grab Them By the Crookshanks5.7+Sport2Wands At The Ready5.8Sport3Basilisk5.8-Trad4Wingardium Leviosa5.7Trad5Rattle Face5.8Sport6Rattle Crack5.6Trad 7Not Slytherin5.8-Sport8Whomped Willow5.9Sport9Left var. Cactus Butt5.8Tr10Cactus Butt5.10-Sport11Right var. Cactus Butt5.10+Tr12I Must Not Tell Lies5.8Sport13One Way Ticket to Azkaban5.8Tr14This Way to Platform 9 3/45.8+Sport15Bring Out Your Dead5.10cSport16I'm Not Dead Yet5.9+Tr