We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSAPennsylvaniaNorthwest, TheMcConnells Mill State ParkRim Road Climbing AreaIsland Block<Prenuptial Taste TestV0>Spurtin' OutcomesV1She Got The Bosch, I Got Drilled5.12atrFA Rick Thompson, 1992UPDATED BY vietnguyen Tick this climbDescriptionRoutes in Island Block1Prenuptial Taste TestV0Bouldering2She Got The Bosch, I Got Drilled5.12aTr 3Spurtin' OutcomesV1Bouldering4S.T.A.N.C AKA Mr. SmoothieV4Bouldering5Wonder WorldV4Bouldering6Doc Says You're Gonna Die AKA Chin And Bear ItV0Bouldering7Snake BitV2Bouldering8Smell The GloveV3Bouldering9Mission Impossible5.10dTr10Variation5.11bTr11Temptation5.11aTr12The Arete5.7+Tr13Lean Across5.6Tr14Acrobat5.6Tr15Alt Access5.5Tr · Trad16Rigging Route5.4Trad