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Grand Canyon National Park



Fifty-one Buttes, twenty-five Temples, thirteen Points, twelve Mountains, eight Castles, five Peaks, three Crests, three Ridges and three Towers. Routes on those one hundred and twenty-three summits could keep most mountaineers hustling for a lifetime. Throw in a few Domes, Knolls, Mesas, Pinnacles, Plateaus, Shrines, Terraces and Thrones into the mix and you've upped the ante. An inspiring wager that would match the perseverance of H.Butchart and maybe a handful of others. You’d be obsessed if moved to climb the remaining seventeen notable vertices, not to mention the essentially endless rock between of peripheral valleys, distinct elevations and routes along the river.

Those perhaps addicted to that ample pot would notice it easily exceeds the one hundred and fifty-two 'officially' named, an arbitrary delimitation in an area of approximately nineteen hundred- and four-square miles. Most would fold trying to arrange something that prodigious into a coherently organized structure and still capture the spirit of the big ditch.

Local climbing organizations

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