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Bronco Billy
At left side below the Mountain Black Cherry tree, turn corner and smear face pockets to bolt left of good seam. Continue up seam to another clip above the steepening crux face. Gain down-sloping ledge, traverse left and then up several easier steps to another ledge and big flake. Clip and traverse left again across the top of the wild flake (that is very similar, but larger than the El Grungo crux flake). After clearing creaky wafer, run it out on lower-angled pocketed lichen slabs to anchor in gapped alcove. Listed as a seven X in Phx Rock, but seems like a runout nine or perhaps a tough eight.
Center left side of the wall’s base is an obvious ledge slightly above the thick basal vegetation.
Three quickdraws and perhaps one cosmetic piece to ersatz 'trad'. Single 70m rap route from alcove, or ~60m above The Bronc or ~50m above Wailing Banshee.
Routes in Wild Horse Wall
- 1Bronco Billy5.7Sport