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Peak Mountain 3

The Ramp

FA unknown
UPDATED BY sure_tomato_marlin 


Climb the finish of Nat's Traverse, which is an overhanging section of rock with near vertical feet just to the right of the low tree, and just to the left of the sparsely gripped overhung section of Mortar Rock. This also has tons of chalk on it.

This route has about five different ways to be done, but basically you climb up the overhang using pockeys, Slopers and crimps to a shitty grip about 9 feet off the ground, and then reach up and left to a cheese grater for a hold, and finish by grabbing onto a large jug over the roof.

This climb has been my nemesis since I've moved here, so I guess it's time for me to find something harder to work on!


A crashpad is nice, but not necessary.

Routes in Mortar Rock

  1. 25
    The Ramp