We're giving this page a facelift!Visit the previous versionto make edits.Peak Mountain 3Add photo Edit (TBD) Photo MapCopy LinkHomeUSACaliforniaCentral CoastHwy 33/OjaiFortress, TheCentral Gully<Spontaneous Order5.9+>Tee it Up, Cupcake5.7+Snickerdoodle5.9sportFA Romain Wacziarg & Matthew Fienup (March 2008)UPDATED BY mfienup Tick this climbDescriptionProtection8 lead bolts plus a 2 bolt top-anchor with rappel ringsRoutes in Central Gully1Objectivist Tendencies5.4Trad2Seven Steps to Heaven5.10aSport3Rational Expectations5.7Sport4Blue In Green5.6Sport5Straight, No Chaser5.10-Trad6Footprints5.4Sport7Spontaneous Order5.9+Sport8Snickerdoodle5.9Sport 9Tee it Up, Cupcake5.7+Sport10Magali's Arete5.7Sport11Helicopter Effect5.6Trad