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The Deviate Direct
P1: Face with some loose flakes (5.6) to shallow bowl and crack. Follow crack through another bowl, slightly angling right over loose rock following smaller crack to base of overhang. Crack continues over two bulges then traverse right, stemming faces, another short face to access ledge and belay.
P2: Angle right, then left across easy face around corner, up broken face, past shallow vertical crack. Traverse left, cam horizontal crack, clip bolt, then up steep face (5.8) using several small depressions and thin crack. Grade continues through some horizontal cracks with shelves and large blocky section with vertical cracks to boulder belay.
South face, Left of Palo Verde tree.
Cams, tricams, nuts. One old, rusty Leeper at crux. Downclimb gully/faces (cl.3) on eastside to piton/bolt single line rappel.
Routes in Twilight Pinnacle
- 1The Deviate Direct5.8Trad